Meet our team
Our satellite design team consists of four mentors and six members from three laboratories: the DCLab at the ITC, in Cambodia, and the Kojiro Suzuki Laboratory and the Intelligent Space Systems Laboratory (ISSL) at UTokyo, in Japan. During the UT-ITC Cube Satellite project, we have collaborated to create a 1U CubeSat design called Apsara-1. Our design team members are from four countries, and we recognised in this diversity an opportunity to learn about other cultures, both within and beyond Cambodia. In addition, we are supported by the NPIC in Cambodia, which is providing ground facilities for this project.

Morokot SAKAL
Nationality: Cambodian
Affiliation: ICT Faculty, AUPP
Responsibility: Telemetry, Tracking
and Command (TT&C), Ground Segment

Maximilien BERTHET
Nationality: British
Affiliation: Kojiro Suzuki Lab, UTokyo
Responsibility: Orbit and GNC (supervision)

Nationality: Japanese
Affiliation: ISSL, UTokyo
Responsibility: EPS and ADCS (supervision)

Nationality: Japanese
Affiliation: ISSL, UTokyo
Responsibility: C&DH, TT&C (supervision)

Polimey IM
Nationality: Cambodian
Affiliation: DCLab, ITC
Responsibility: Structure, Thermal, Outreach

Sotheara OUM
Nationality : Cambodian
Affiliation: DCLab, ITC
Responsibility: Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS), Risk Management

Sokserey SREY
Nationality: Cambodian
Affiliation: DCLab, ITC
Responsibility: Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS)

Penghuy SREAN
Nationality: Cambodian
Affiliation: DCLab, ITC
Responsibility: Orbit and GNC, Command and Data Handling (C&DH)

Nationality: Colombian
Affiliation: Kojiro Suzuki Lab, UTokyo
Responsibility: Electric Power System (EPS)

Nationality: Japanese
Affiliation : Kojiro Suzuki Lab, UTokyo
Responsibility: Payload
Participating laboratories and institutions